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Mã nguồn VHDL bộ nhân theo phương pháp Baugh-Wooley

 Bài viết trình bày việc thực hiện khối bộ nhân theo phương pháp Baugh-Wooley. Phương pháp Baugh-Wooley áp dụng cho cả phép nhân có dấu và không dấu. Toán tử có dấu được biểu diễn dưới dạng số bù hai để đảm bảo chắc chắn rằng dấu của các tích riêng phần luôn là dấu dương. 

Mã nguồn VHDL mô tả bộ nhân theo phương pháp Baugh-Wooley:

-- Company: Smart Electronics
-- Engineer: Nguyen Kiem Hung 
-- Create Date:    15:10:31 03/09/2017 
-- Design Name: 
-- Module Name:    mul_unit - Behavioral 
-- Project Name: 
-- Target Devices: 
-- Tool versions: 
-- Description: 
-- Dependencies: 
-- Revision: 
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments: 
library IEEE;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all ;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.RCA_define.all;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity mul_unit is
     generic (
              DATA_WIDTH : INTEGER :=16	 );
    Port ( A : in  signed (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
           B : in  signed (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
           P : out  signed (DATA_WIDTH*2-1 downto 0));
end mul_unit;

architecture Behavioral of mul_unit is

  type P_array is array (DATA_WIDTH- 1 downto 0) of signed (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
    signal m_temp, p_temp, s_temp : P_array;
    signal carry_temp: std_logic_vector (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);


    for i in 0 to DATA_WIDTH- 1 generate
            for j in 0 to DATA_WIDTH- 1 generate
                    if ((i = DATA_WIDTH- 1) and (j = DATA_WIDTH- 1)) generate
                            m_temp(i)(j) <= (B(i) and A(j));
                    end generate;
                    if (((i = DATA_WIDTH- 1) and (j /= DATA_WIDTH- 1)) or ((i /= DATA_WIDTH- 1) and (j = DATA_WIDTH- 1)))generate
                            m_temp(i)(j) <= (not (B(i) and A(j)));
                    end generate;
                    if ((i /= DATA_WIDTH- 1) and (j /= DATA_WIDTH- 1)) generate
                            m_temp(i)(j) <= (B(i) and A(j));
                    end generate;										 
            end generate;
    end generate;
    carry_temp(0) <= '1';
    p_temp(0) <= m_temp(0);
    s_temp(0) <= (others=>'0');
    for i in 1 to DATA_WIDTH- 1 generate
            s_temp(i) <= carry_temp(i-1)&p_temp(i - 1)(DATA_WIDTH- 1 downto 1);
            adder_unit: Look_Ahead_Adder generic MAP(
                DATA_WIDTH => DATA_WIDTH
            PORT MAP(
                A => s_temp(i),
                B => m_temp(i),
                carry_in  => '0',-- 0 <-> ADD; 1 <-> SUB
                carry_out => carry_temp(i),
                S => p_temp(i) 
    end generate;
    P(DATA_WIDTH*2-1 downto DATA_WIDTH) <= (not (carry_temp(DATA_WIDTH- 1)))&p_temp(DATA_WIDTH- 1)(DATA_WIDTH- 1 downto 1);
    for i in 0 to DATA_WIDTH- 1 generate
            P(i) <= p_temp(i)(0);
    end generate;
end Behavioral;

Nguyễn Kiêm Hùng

Hung K. Nguyen studied “Electronic Engineering” in both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. He received the bachelor’s degree in 2003. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, He worked as an internship in the Research Center of Electronics and Telecommunications. In 2006, He received the master’s degree in electronic engineering from VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET). Before pursuing his Ph.D’s degree, He worked as a researcher at the Laboratory for Smart Integrated Systems in VNU University of Engineering and Technology for two years. In 2008, He went to Southeast University, Nanjing, China to get his Ph.D degree. He received the Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics from Southeast University in 2013. After got his Ph.D’s degree, He returned to VNU University of Engineering and Technology to continue his research in VLSI design. He works currently as an assistant professor and senior researcher at VNU Key Laboratory for Smart Integrated Systems. His research interests mainly include multimedia processing, reconfigurable computing, and SoC designs.

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